Friday, March 9, 2007

Today was JungWoo's birthday. He wanted to have his birthday party because he didn't have it in College Station. He was inviting his new friends in Poly school, new kindergarten.
(Some are born in America). JungWoo's Daddy made invitation card for his son. JungWoo's Mom made Korean sushi and prepared some cookies and fruits. She also made beautiful ballons for his son.
Even though JungWoo got some presents like toys, he think that the best present is celebrations from his lovely friends Julia, Alyssa and Hunter.

[JW's Diary]

We played with a ballon. My mom won and I won, too. My mom lose and I lose, too. I poped the ballon and made a another one and played a game with a ballon. It was fun.


Lisa Smith said...


Your birthday party looks so fun and colorful. I wish I was there to eat some Korean sushi with your mom. I miss you and your precious family!!!

Julia Smith said...


Did you win a prize?

Have you seen the movie, Curious George? I like it a lot. We have it recorded at our house.

I wish I was there to play balloons with you.

Are you having fun at school?

Hope your party was fun!

I miss you,



JungWoo Hong said...

I like Curious George, too. It is one of my favorite movie. We brought some videos like Arthur and the Berenstain Bears from College Station. My daddy recorded some stories.

I miss you, Julia